9.23.2010The Best Bankers

The Best Bankers


When I was a young OCC examiner, eons ago, traveling around Minnesota, North and South Dakota, and Wisconsin, I saw all types of banks—well run, mediocre, sloppy, self-serving—there were all types.


I always learned the most from those banks that year after year had respectable, but not flashy, results. They almost always had strong systems, good morale, and great risk management practices.



It was always from my conversations with them that I had the confidence to tell a poorly run shop that they needed to beef up their process.


That’s still true today.


I’ve learned from this that it’s good to hang out with those strong bankers. I like to touch base with them and see what they see on the horizon, and what are they doing to combat the harsher regulatory environment (they are usually ahead of the regulators) and the uncertain and devastating economic times. I always learn a lot.

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